Fly tying - Hendrickson and Blue Quill CDC Emergers

Tying a few flies for next time on the Delaware.  Easy CDC emergers tied on some nice vintage Mustad Viking 9548A hooks.

Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 to #14 tied and photographed by Doug Korn

Hendrickson Emerger,  size #12
Thread: MFC light olive 6/0
Body Color - pink/olive dubbing
Wing Color - CDC medium Dun, length of hook
Legs - CDC butts
Shuck - needloft yarn amber 

Paraleptophlebia adoptiva (Blue Quill) – #16 to #18
Paralep is the scientific "nickname" for the genus Paraleptophlebia. ... The most popular common names for Paraleps are "blue quill" and "mahogany dun." ... tied and photographed by Doug Korn

Blue Quill Emerger, size #16
Thread - Danville dark brown 6/0
Body Color - thread over shuck material,  dark brown, sparse thread wraps.
Wing Color - CDC medium-dark Dun, length of hook
Legs - CDC butts 
Shuck - needloft yarn gray


  1. Those are gorgeous...and I have seen ALOT of emerger patterns. Would you ever sell any?


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