tying my version of Walt's Worm a step-by-step

My version of Walt's Worm is a bit different than most, I think I'll call it the "Korn's Worm".  I have tried to incorporate Frank Sawyer's - Killer Bug and Walt Young's - Walt's Worm, taking the best from both.  I use the tying method of Young and materials from Sawyer. Here in PA and NY this fly is a proven trout taker. It imitates a bunch of flies: crane fly larva, grubs, cased caddis, etc... 

Hook: 1xl nymph #12-16
Thread: tan Serafil 200 or 6/0 Uni
Weight: 28 ga. copper wire Note: copper wire is used as it was on Sawyer's Killer Bug.  In the sunlight when wet the copper will show through.... so they say - I just know it works and I wouldn't change it!
Body: Patons Classic Wool Natural Mix (00229) yarn made into dubbing. Note: the Patons yarn is a very good substitute for Chadwick's 477-wool with was used in Sawyers Killer Bug.  Or you can use Hareline Hares Ear Plus #1 or #7.

A very simple fly to tie...
Start thread behind eye, touching turns back to the bend.

Put a drop of super glue on threads to hold wire firm.

Start copper wire at the bend and work forward to one eye length behind the hook eye.

Break off waste pieces of wire.

Dub thread with Patons dubbing.

Wind forward forming slight carrot shape.

Double whip finish and cut thread.

Completed Korn's Worm, could it be any easier?

Wet Worm.


  1. I like this twist on the Walt's worm and will have to tie some of these up. Thanks for sharing.

  2. PO, they catch me a lot of fish, I hope they do the same for you.... Let me know.


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