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Easy Mayfly Wings

This is my attempt to explain the wing tie-in method on the March Brown Vis-A-Dun that I tied in my last post.  Ya know pictures are worth a 1000 words... clear as mud... right?

Now, I'm not sure how John Barr does it but....... here's how I tie them.

Here you can see the wing tie-in. A single piece of yarn is pulled up from underneath on both sides of the hook shank and held upright, then posted up with minimal wraps, just 3 wraps up and 3 wraps down to form the post with a wrap in front and back. Nothing is done to split the wings they just end up that way.... you can also add a drop of superglue to the post if you like.

This is the same set of wings cut to length. Give it a try and see how you do. It's a very easy and quick way to make wings.

Hope that helps, let me know what you think...

Doug... a.k.a. 55dougie


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