Doing some fly tying...

It's been a crazy winter here in NY with warmer than usual weather and little snow. I've been itching to get out on my creeks but it just hasn't happened yet..... I seriously injured my left elbow on my casting arm back on August 5th, 2016 out in Montana while fly fishing. Taking a fall on a big arse rock. Many doctors and surgeons visits later and I am still dealing with a tricep and bursa sack problem and elbow pain. Thus the lack of fishing reports since the injury.

Anyway, I hope to get out on the water soon, regardless, this is getting ridicules.....
I NEED to go fishing!

I've been tying two patterns this week, beetles and streamers....... two killer patterns for Brown and Brook trout. Beetles are an excellent summer terrestrial pattern, often overlooked by fly fishers. The Joffee Jewel Streamer is a killer in the Late Winter and Early Spring seasons when the trout are looking to put on weight fast...

Joffee Jewel size #10 Streamer 

#18 Beetle


  1. Doug, sorry to hear that. Hope you are improving and good to see you back at the vise.

  2. Thanks Ralph..... just hanging in there, but come the next warm spell..... I'm going fishing.. period.

  3. Don't blame you. I'm in the same frame of mind.

  4. Doug -

    It's been a while since I've visited here. Sorry to hear about the injury, and hope that your recovery is progressing satisfactorily and will be complete soon, if it is not alreay.

    Possibly falling and injuring an elbow is probably my biggest concern when making my way around the banks of any creek. So it sent a shiver through me when I read about what happened to you.

    All the best, and let us know when you are back at it full time and full speed.

    John Scott


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