First outing of the year!

I got out for a couple of hours this morning.  It was about 40 degrees and very windy, but hey, I was out fishing!

The water was a bit high and fast but I managed to find some fish in the slower water along the edges...

Nymphing with my St Croix 5wt. and the fly of the day?  No, doubt the Fire Fly...

"on the fly"


  1. Nice can't beat fishing or golfing when it is February and it doesn't matter how you did...just that you were out there!

  2. Felicidades por esa primera captura.

    Aqui en España aun tenemos que esperar dos meses a que se inicie la temporada.


  3. Hola - si esta sección de la corriente es abierto todo el año lo que lo hace agradable cuando tenemos una ruptura en el tiempo que podemos hacer algo de pesca ... gracias por leer mi amigo, Doug.


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