B-day Fishing

Today was a very nice fishing trip.  Our son Scott is here visiting us for his Birthday which happens to be today...  So with all the warmer weather we have been having this winter I encouraged him to bring his fishing gear with him.  This morning it was still 59 degrees out at 7 am. --- but the weather forecast was for some rain and dropping temps throughout the day so we decided to head out early rather than later.  It turned out to be a good move and I was quickly into a good fish right away.  Scott's a good fisherman and we managed to catch both some big and some small browns...  We caught some rain too but nothing that made us give-it-up...   I was the lucky guy today catching two nice brown trout, a 16 and a 17 incher, outstanding fish for this creek where 12 incher's are good fish...

At noon we quit and headed for our local burger joint.  A wonderful day... Anytime spent with your son is great but none better than on some good water enjoying our time together.

Scott working the far side of the pool

16" Male Brown Trout
Scott nymphing
Winter Stone 
Fish of the day a "reel" battler "on the fly"...


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