Early morning fishing?

Lately we have had good luck fishing early in the morning trying to beat the heat. It's been in the 90's here lately and these Browns will turn off as the day heats up.... So, here we are getting after them at sunrise until about 10:00 this morning.... Ben had to work at 8, so I had to continue without him... Hey, someone had to do it! After a hard morning of fishing it was off to the Two-Bit for a breakfast burrito, so good...

First fish of the day and I'm barely awake.... I only got one cup of coffee this morning, can you tell?

Ben's a master fisherman and a great friend ... see him below in action.

A good heavy Brown trout of 19 inches....

with Ben off to work it was more of the same with many nice browns of 15-17 inches brought to hand.

Last fish of the morning..... another beauty.


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