The fly rods are done!

Yes folks finally, the fly rods are done... I hope you find them worthy. These rods will fish again!

H&I fly rod...

Horrocks and Ibbotson Featherweight 8' 6" 4wt. 3 piece with 1 tip. 

Ferrules and tip... Note the beautiful rod cases my wife made, thanks Michelle.

Grip and reel seat...

Kingfisher fly rod...

Kingfisher 8' 6" 6wt. 3 pieces with 2 tips.

It was a fun and very challenging project.  Let's go fishing...


  1. Really nice work Doug. Was fun following for sure. They should provide many good days on the water.

    1. thanks for the kind comments Ralph and for hanging in there all the way through the series with me...

  2. Beautiful....there is not an angler that would not want to cast such a work of art.
    Well done Doug.

    1. Thank you Alan.... I hope to fish this fly rod in the near future. My thanks for following along through the fly rod rebuild series. I have been enjoying your blog posts as well. Cheers.


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