What a great weekend! A big gobbler for dinner, new fly tying material and time with old friends! You even squeezed in some camping time with your favorite girl!
Making dubbing from yarn is easy using a coffee grinder. Buy one just for making dubbing, they are cheap, about $15. Experiment with different yarns yourself to find the right color, texture and float-ability desired for your fly tying needs. Today's goal is to make an orange sulphur dubbing for dry flies. Materials needed. All you really need is a coffee grinder and some yarn... I use a 12 inch board to measure my "parts". I cut one part of orange yarn and ten parts yellow. Then, cut the 11 pieces of yarn in 3/4 inch lengths or "bundles". Keep the 3/4 inch bundles nicely lined up so that they can be added to the coffee grinder in the proper 1 to 10 ratio. You will end up with about 15-16 bundles. Add 3-4 bundles at one time to the grinder. Turn it on and run it for about 20 seconds. Grinding times will vary depending on your wool and the volume of yarn in the ...
I really like this Mayfly pattern. I played around at the vise this morning and tied a few. Here's one I tied as a PMD on a #14 1xl dry fly hook. It doubles as a spinner and an upright winged Mayfly. The upright wing is also used as a sighter for us old guys and when viewed from the bottom it looks like a spinner. Kelly's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV1AYffuVLA Thread: Roman Moser's Power Silk 10/0 (or Danville 6/0) Hook: Daiichi 1110 Tail: Light Pardo Whiting Coq de Leon Body: Deer Hair Under Wing: Dun or Adams Gray Crinkled Z-Lon Thorax: Super Fine Dubbing Wing: Deer Hair
Tying a few flies for next time on the Delaware. Easy CDC emergers tied on some nice vintage Mustad Viking 9548A hooks. Ephemerella subvaria – Hendricksons – #12 to #14 tied and photographed by Doug Korn Hendrickson Emerger, size #12 Thread: MFC light olive 6/0 Body Color - pink/olive dubbing Wing Color - CDC medium Dun, length of hook Legs - CDC butts Shuck - needloft yarn amber Paraleptophlebia adoptiva (Blue Quill) – #16 to #18 Paralep is the scientific " nickname " for the genus Paraleptophlebia. ... The most popular common names for Paraleps are " blue quill " and "mahogany dun." ... tied and photographed by Doug Korn Blue Quill Emerger, size #16 Thread - Danville dark brown 6/0 Body Color - thread over shuck material, dark brown, sparse thread wraps. Wing Color - CDC medium-dark Dun, length of hook Legs - CDC butts Shuck - needloft yarn gray ...
What a great weekend! A big gobbler for dinner, new fly tying material and time with old friends! You even squeezed in some camping time with your favorite girl!