Korn's Biot Emerger

Folks, I've been tying dozens of these Korn Biot Emergers for Parks Fly Shop on hooks sizes #12-18. Shown here is the BWO version, but you can vary the colors for PMD's, Sulphurs, etc... They are fun and relatively easy to tie. They are a very good pattern to use when the bugs are emerging or there are duns on the water. I almost never fish a dun pattern anymore. The fish are attracted to the seemingly disabled cripples and emergers. The fish recognize that these flies are in trouble and can't get away. You only need use floatant on the wing and the upper hackle. Catch a bunch!

Hook: MFCo. 7048 light scud #14-18

Thread: 8/0 Uni olive

Tail/Shuck: Bronze nylon yarn

Abdomen: dyed turkey biot - BWO

Wing Post: seatbelt material (or gray nylon yarn, etc.)

Hackle: Med. Dun rooster clipped on the bottom


  1. Hi Doug,

    Just got back from 2 weeks in the Lamar Valley. This fly was our top producer and was the ticket for my biggest cutt ever, THANKS

  2. Micheal, glad to hear you had a great trip.... This fly is a killer, gotta love that valley.... glad I could help, Doug.


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