Griffith's Gnat winters #1 dry fly

Continuing with my winter fly pattern series I offer up the Griffith's Gnat as my go-to dry fly.

Many people overlook the old Griffith's Gnat and think of it as a pattern of days gone by.  But for me, it's a great searching pattern.  An effective fly throughout the year that excels in winter when the midges are about.  When there's a break in the winter weather and the midges are on the water I fish the G-Gnat.  It's an easy pattern to tie and it only requires a couple of materials.  It makes an excellent indicator fly as well, team it up with a Wire Head Pheasant Tail and have at it.

my #1 winter dry fly the Griffith's Gnat
materials list:
Hook: dry #14-18
Thread: Danville 70 denier in red
Body: peacock herl
Hackle: grizzly


  1. Hola.

    Yo la monto en anzuelos del 22/24 y es una de mis moscas favoritas cuando las truchas se ceban a dipteros.

    Puedo comentar que a lo largo de mi vida mosquera han sido muchas las capturas de truchas de buen tamaño conseguida con esta mosca.

    Para es es imprescindible llevar tres o cuatro moscas de éste modelo en mi caja.


  2. Hola.

    sí, es un buen patrón de trabajo hasta el fondo a 24 o tan pequeño como usted puede atarlos. gracias por el comentario, Doug.


    yes it's a good working pattern all the way down to 24 or as small as you can tie them. thanks for the comment, Doug."


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