Winston Binney Para 15 ~ "first test"

I enjoyed a relaxed fishing trip yesterday... It was warm with temp's in the 60's, perfect for the first outing of my new bamboo fly rod.  The fishing was slow, but the rod performed like a champ... I got in a lot of casting practice with it; drys, nymphs and even some some small streamers. The rod did everything I asked and looked good doing it.  It's going to get a lot of use in the coming year both here in NY and MT.  My thanks Winston for making such a wonderful fly rod...

W. Binney Para 15 --- 8' 5wt., 2/2 (2 piece with 2 tips)

My W. Binney fitted with a vintage Hardy Featherweight took it's first fish, a 12 inch brown trout...
But my fumbling didn't allow for a photo.


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