Our Favorite Fishing Hole

There is nothing like being surrounded by mountains, blue sky and open land as far as you can see.  Fishing in Gardner's Hole makes for a near perfect day.  We hiked in a few miles before changing into our fishing shoes and set off to see if the fish were biting.  They were.  We each caught quite a few brook trout as we followed the snaking Gardner River.  The only company we had, beside the fish, were several elk, a prairie dog and a very special visitor - a bald eagle.  As we were hiking out, a beautiful bald eagle circled overhead as if to see us off after a good day of fishing.

Our spot for changing out of our wet fishing shoes and into dry ones to hike out.  We hiked a total of about 5 miles.
Doug in action.

One of many brookies that I caught.  Yes, the water was cold but after awhile you don't notice it - especially if the fish are biting.

A line from a favorite song - "It's good for the soul when there's not a soul in sight".   So beautiful and peaceful!


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