Yellowstone National Park... Brook Trout tune-up

Michelle and I hit a small brook trout stream in YNP today.  Michelle hasn't fly fished since our trip out here in 2011 so this was a good first outing for her to "practice" on some willing brookies.  It's like riding a bike for her and she was back in form in no time.

Great pocket water fishing with lots of wild brook trout.

tough to beat the beauty of a brook trout...

Michelle with one of many on the day.

Michelle working up the middle of the creek in this photo.  "Picking-the-Pockets" with accurate casting and fly placement behind the boulders and in the runs.

We only used two flies today, a Coachman Trude and a Wiese's Clacka Caddis.

Today I used my Ben Turpin custom G-series fly rod.
I thought it was an appropriate choice with the Turpin's hand painted brook trout on the rod.  


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