The Best Campsite in the West

Two years ago when we visited, we eyed a certain campsite that we thought would be the perfect place to camp.  This year we are parked there and what a great spot it is!  We can look out over the Yellowstone and Gardner Rivers through our living room window.  In the distance we can see cars and campers lined up to get into Yellowstone National Park just behind the town of Gardiner.  On our first night we watch elk frolicking on the bank of the river underneath a bright and glorious full moon. 

 When we arrived in Gardiner on Sunday afternoon the high temperatures had been there to meet us.  The summer climate in Gardiner is usually a beautiful 80 degrees and sunny.  This week it is going to be in the 90's.  Luckily the nights are cool and good for sleeping.  Early afternoons get hot and the high plains desert winds really pick up.  This makes for tough fishing but we will give it our best try.  As you can see, Doug has already braved the elements. 


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