The "new guy" at Parks Fly Shop is Jordan Laughlin. He and I hiked into the Lamar River and fished the stretch up to near Cache Creek. The fishing was slow to say the least and we had to work for every fish we took. The Lamar River's water level is way down and a bit warmer than in past years having less river water to mix with the hot springs feeding into it's mountain snow melt.
The bottom of the river was slick as ever and rock hopping was difficult to say the least. I only caught four fish today but one was a good one and Jordan caught two until he hit a honey hole and caught six out of it. Most of the fish ran in the 10-12 inch range. We hiked and fished about 7-8 miles today, my knee is swollen and a bit sore. To aid in the recovery Michelle and I had dinner at the Raven with our friends Bernard and Katherine, best steaks anywhere!
Cutthroat Trout ~ 16 inches |
Jordan fishing the Lamar River |
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