Go take a hike!

Folks, if the eyes on my fly rod will freeze up, then it's too cold for me to go fishing.  So instead, I go take a hike!  

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Took a hike on some state land here in NY. The primary goal for today was to see if I could find some "fat wood". I had a little stand of pines in mind and it didn't disappoint me.

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Pack and gear for this trip...

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A nice downed pine with partial root exposure had just what I was looking for and the G&B axe chopped out several nice sized chunks of it. 

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The good news is there's plenty more there for the future in that one tree.

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After stowing the fat wood I hiked through some hardwoods and up a steep hill. I then noticed some deer tracks in the trail ahead and they looked very fresh.... As I exited the woods and broke into a small field I turned and peeked over the hill to find two deer standing there looking back at me. I managed to snap this photo with my point and shoot.... 

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I hiked for some time and ended up in an area I deer hunted once this past fall and remembered a big rock with a creek near by, perfect for a fire reflector and some coffee.

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Coffee's on...

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After coffee I had a nice walk back to the truck, enjoying the views and a little bit of NY sunshine, now and then... 

thanks for looking, Doug.


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