Today I fished the same stretch of the Gardner River as yesterday...
Gardner River - towards the confluence with the Yellowstone River |
Gardner River - near Rescue Creek TH |
But today the fish were looking up for salmon flies. After two fish tried to eat my orange indicator on my nymphing rig I quickly changed over to a dry dropper set up with a Korn's Split Tailed Salmon Fly and a Korn's TNT Black Stone Nymph trailing about 12 inches back. Game on, with 16 fish brought to hand in 3 hours of rock hopping and difficult casting in high winds. Most of the fish were caught on the Split Tailed Salmon Fly including; Cutthroats, Browns, Rainbows and Cutt-bows.
First Cutthroat of the trip. |
A dandy Brown Trout |
Cutt-Bow |
Also, I saw a beaver on the Gardner today. It stopped on a rock about 10 feet in front of me, then swam and floated 3 feet from the rock I was standing on heading downstream towards the Yellowstone River... It was a smaller beaver about 2 feet long counting his flat tail. I wish I could have gotten a photo... I can only guess he was displaced from the upper stretches of the river and was pushed along by the very fast currents. You just never know what you are going to see in Yellowstone Country. ~ Doug.
Looks like you had a great day Dad!